Christian Bale Confirms He Sided With Amy Adams

christian bale

Christian Bale has revealed that he was a makeshift mediator between Amy Adams and Director David O Russell. The two reportedly fought regularly on the sets of American Hustle, the 2014 crime film.

Adams had earlier claimed that she was distraught on the sets of the film. She revealed in 2016 that the director had left her in tears several times during the filming of the movie.

She admitted that the director had been hard on him and added that she would never again work with Russell in the future. And now in a fresh interview, Christian Bale had spoken out about the role he played in the dispute between the two. He said that he did what he felt he had to do. He said that it was done in Irv style, referencing the character he played in the movie.

He added that if ever he makes sense of the source of the issue, he tries to intervene and act as a go-between. He says that always tries to sit down and find a way out of any turbulence.

Despite The Difference Between Adams And Russell, Christian Bale Remembers With Fondness His Time On The Sets

But Christian Bale says that despite the difference between the actor and the director, he still looks back on his time on the set with fondness. He said that between the two, there was an incredible amount of talent, which he termed as ‘crazy.

He said that in such a situation, there were bound to be upset, and he tried to do the best he can to solve the situation. He recalled trying to keep the peace during his time on the sets as Adams and Russell had strong disagreements.

Adams revealed that Christian Bale had earlier told Russell to stop acting like an a**h**e. There has been renewed interest in Russell’s behavior as the release of his latest film, Amsterdam, nears.