Colorado Is Giving A $800 Stimulus Check To Its Residents

stimulus checks
Stimulus Checks

While federal stimulus checks remain gridlocked in Washington politics, one Democratic governor has announced legislation to fast-track relief payments to eligible residents of his state.

The Colorado Cashback program will provide a $400 stimulus check to eligible residents as proposed by Gov. Jared Polis and the state legislature. This announcement by the Governor comes as inflation keeps hovering near the 8% mark, the highest in over 4 decades.

Couples who file jointly will receive the maximum of an $800 stimulus check. Governor Polis noted that people are having to pay more each day for essential items like groceries, gasoline, and home rent, without being at fault on their own.

Governor Polis Said That He Would Prefer Helping Residents Through Stimulus Checks Instead Of Hoarding The Money

He said that instead of the administration sitting on the pile of money earned by the Coloradans, the state government wants to give a significant part of it back to residents as quickly as possible as a majority of them are hurting badly due to this inflation.

Under the relief support, Colorado will provide its residents with a tax rebate stimulus check if they have filed their state tax returns for 2021 by the last day of May. Eligible recipients must be permanent residents of the state.

While the Democratic governor pushed for a stimulus check for every resident, progressive legislators within his party have opposed it and proposed that the refund be limited to only the low-earners in the state.

The Governor informed at a presser that the idea is intended to help people pay for essential consumables and gasoline even as the high inflation carries on to hurt Americans.

Polis said that the administration realizes that the last year was as difficult as 2020 and people continue to feel the hardship well into this year. Gasoline prices stood at $4 a gallon and groceries cost much more. He said that rather than keep the amount in the treasury, it is better to give some back through stimulus checks.