FDX Expected To Post A $4.66 EPS For Q1 2022


KeyCorp analysts on 24th June, Thursday forecast that FedEx Co. (NYSE: FDX) will be posting an EPS of $4.66 for the first quarter of 2022. Currently, their rating for the stock is “overweight” with a target price of $270.

Stock Commentary Of FDX

Several other research analysts have also issued their reports on FDX stock. Barclays increased its objective price to $375 from $350 while issuing a rating of “overweight” on 23rd June, Wednesday. Raymond James upped its price target to $330 from $310 while issuing a rating of “outperform” on 4th June, Friday. Berenberg Bank gave a target price of $350 while issuing a rating of “buy” on 28th May, Friday. Loop Capital upped its target price to $381 from $366 while issuing a rating of “buy” on Friday. Wells Fargo & Company upped its target price to $351 from $336 while issuing a rating of “overweight” on 20th May, Thursday.

The opening value of FDX shares on Monday was $291.95. The market capitalization stood at $77.47Bn with a 1.25 beta. The highest and lowest value of the company over a period of one year currently stands at $319.90 and $129.28 respectively. The moving average over a period of 50 days stands at $299.55.

Its latest data on quarterly earnings were released on 23rd June, Wednesday. An EPS of $5.01 was reported, topping the consensus $4.99 estimate along with a 6.23% net margin and a 23.45% equity return. The revenue reported stood at $22.57Bn. In the same quarter last year, $2.53 EPS was reported.

Michael C. Lenz, the EVP, sold off 4700 FDX shares on 10th May, Monday at a $315.97 average price per share. Jill Brannon, another EVP, sold off 1101 shares on 3rd May, Monday at a $303 average price per share.