Jobless Benefits Lost By Countless Americans After Relief Bill Not Signed By Trump

Jobless Benefits
Jobless Benefits

Millions of Americans are set to lose their jobless benefits which are about to expire on 26th December, Saturday. This is due to the reason that Donald Trump has refused to give his signature on the relief bill that is supposed to pass the law.

The pandemic aid bill has a package of $2.3 trillion. The key reason cited by Trump for not signing the bill was that it was not enough to aid the US citizens on a regular basis.

Jobless Benefits Take A Shocking Turn

Trump’s extremely shocked step on not signing the relief bill has left the Democrats and Republicans stunned, alike. He also stated that he was dissatisfied with this enormous bill that is offering $892 billion for the very important and much-needed purpose of COVID-19 relief.

Through this bill, the jobless benefits were also going to be extended that is otherwise, expiring on 26th December. Also, the allotment for regular government spending is a massive $1.4 trillion.

Approximately 14 million Americans will be losing their jobless benefits without the signature from Trump. Furthermore, the government will observe a partial shutdown from Tuesday which can be stopped with a stop-gap before the deadline.

After several months of dispute, the Democrats and Republicans finally agreed on the package in the last week along with the consent of the House. Trump had also consented to the terms and conditions of the bill on the night of 21st December before Congress voted for it.

According to the stimulus bill, US citizens who are eligible will be receiving a one-time check of $600 along with an additional $300 every week as jobless benefits.

However, Trump had tweeted to protest against this bill which he considered to be unfair and petty for the Americans. He posted that the people should be receiving $2,000 instead of a mere $600.