Lightning Networks Critical Condition Attributed To Bugs

Lightning Network

Abnormality led to an emergency hotfix of the Lightning network. A sudden update was released for all lightning network’s LND node operators. The bug stopped the whole system from working.

Lightning Networks Was Affected By The GitHub

GitHub caused the main problem with the lightning network. The back-dated nodes will keep the channel weak to other channel closings. Though this closing channel timelocks will be expired in two weeks.

The bug caused the LND nodes to be weak and made the current chain state outdated. However, the payment transactions were still working fine, it didn’t affect that. Electrs versions were affected because of another issue that happened with GitHub.

The Bug was caused by a developer dubbed burak on Twitter. This isn’t the first time Burak caused the malfunction, it has happened before, on 9th October. The whole block was rejected when they created a 998-of-999 multisig transaction, which technically rejected Btcd and LND nodes. Thus the network issued a patch to fix the problem. Anthony Towns claimed that btcd doesn’t have reporting policy that shows the security bugs, and no one isn’t totally sure about that. The lightning network added $20,193 to bitcoin. Only blockchain allows that off-chain transaction.