More On The 4th Stimulus Check: States Have Come Up With Support And Payments On Their Own

Stimulus Checks
stimulus check

While the federal administration remains preoccupied with the infrastructure and social spending bills, chances of another stimulus check remain slim for now. But many states have come up with their own version of the stimulus check, aided by federal funds for the purpose.

There has been a subtle shift in responsibility and states are chipping in to ensure that citizens are financially provided for. While direct stimulus checks have gone down, many other initiatives are on offer to tide over the economic effects of the pandemic.

It is not only the stimulus checks that are a source of support for people affected by the pandemic, there are other programs, including tax breaks and enhanced child tax credit support payments. Each state has its stimulus support and the amount and the beneficiaries have varied accordingly.

Stimulus Check Payments Have Varied With Each State

Alaska has plans to transfer extra revenues from oil production to help residents with a supplement Permanent Fund Dividend worth $1,236. The state also has plans to support residents with their winter heating bills.

California was the first state off the mark with their Golden State stimulus check, which went out in two parts. The second phase of the stimulus check is worth between $600 and $1,100.

Connecticut has a provision of $1,000 for people who join the workforce after an unemployment break of 8 weeks.

Delaware is spending $50M from federal stimulus funds to train students and unemployed people and help them join the workforce. It has decided that it is better than just stimulus check support.

Florida has given $1,000 to teachers, first responders, and school administrators. Georgia has also supported its educators with a relief check of a similar value.

Louisiana is one state that suffered both from the pandemic and Hurricane Ida. The Red Cross has provided financial support to residents affected by the hurricane. Survivors are also eligible for a one-time relief check of $500.