Stimulus Check: New Checks Announced By The States

stimulus check
stimulus check

Stimulus Check demands have grown over the last few months. Citizens have requested the government to aid them financially. The federal government stated that they would be open to any ideas benefitting the mass.

However, they did not seem to be interested at all. Despite the launch of some commendable petitions, the government has remained unmoved. One such petition can be found online at Change.Org.

The petition was initiated by the owner of a restaurant. The proposed bill asked for a monthly stimulus check of $2000. The bill became very much popular among the citizens. Close to three million people signed the petition in favor of the checks.

The administration of some states has announced added checks for their residents. California is one such state.

The money provided by the state to the residents is expected to be enough to see them off for a couple of months. Households can take up the time to channel their efforts into something productive.

Amidst all the speculations, some new stimulus checks have been sanctioned recently. These checks are announced by a couple of States. Let us learn more about the story in detail below

Stimulus Check: Maine And Other States Plans For Monetary Bonus 

It is pretty much clear now that no new stimulus checks will be given by the federal government this year.

This has left the whole of America very much disappointed and disheartened. However, States have come with some good news lately.

A couple of States have proposed stimulus funding for the residents. Brian Kemp and Janet Mills are planning to sanction monetary assistance for the citizens of Georgia and Maine. 

Brian Kemp has proposed a stimulus check worth $500 to the residents of Georgia. Janet Mills is the Governor of Maine.

She will be dishing out a check of $850 to its citizens. This money is supposed to lessen the burden of inflation and the rising gas price.