Stimulus Check: How Is The Online Petition Progressing?

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

Stimulus Check for a fourth set has been demanded for a long time. The pandemic seems far from over in America. New cases of infections are being reported every day. The newly found Delta strain is lurking around the corner.

Masks have been made compulsory once again. In such circumstances, people are speculating on another shutdown. The result could be disastrous as already most households are in the recovery process.

With the stimulus money, the families managed to pay off their daily needs. It also helped the economy to turn around. Meanwhile, the government has been asked to provide special checks for senior citizens.

Several online petitions were initiated during this phase. The most eminent one was the one launched by Stephanie Bonin. Bonin initiated an online petition that stressed the importance of fresh stimulus checks.

The petition asked the federal government to provide monetary funding to the people of America. Somehow, the demands have slowed down over time. Let us learn more about the story in detail below. 

Stimulus Check: What About Change.Org?

Stimulus Check petition gathered a huge momentum previously. The petition asked the government to provide a monthly sum of $2000.

This money shall be given to all the residents of America irrespective of their earning status. Children were asked to provide a minimum of $1000 per month. People liked the idea very much and started signing the petition.  

The online petition initially aimed for 3 million signatures. The record was easily achieved making the petition the highest signed in American history. Unfortunately, that did not help the federal government change its mind.

Bonin has set up a new aim of 4.5million signs. However, that looks far-fetched at the moment. With things going back to normal, the momentum seems to slow down. People are no more eager to sign up for any more Stimulus checks.