Stimulus Check Payments To Be Distributed in More States

stimulus check
stimulus check

When the coronavirus pandemic hit the country hard, the federal government brought out stimulus check payments that would help the citizens deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

But when the pandemic receded over a couple of years, the federal government stopped distributing the payments to the citizens. And this is where the state governments stepped in to pick up the slack. Most of the state governments have already distributed the payments, but there are a few that could be distributing payments to their citizens in 2023. 

Stimulus Check Payment To Be Distributed In Multiple States

In the state of California, one could easily receive a stimulus check payment of around $1,050, which would be dependent on their filing status, income, and the number of dependents. It is expected that the residents of the Golden State would ideally be familiar with the stimulus payments in California, which have been called the Middle-Class Tax Refunds. These payments are available to the citizens who filed for the California state tax by the 15th of October, 2021 and have also lived in the state for a minimum period of six months in 2020. 

In the state of Idaho, a stimulus check payment of more than $75 per family member, or 12% before credits, for the first year’s rebate. This payment will also be equal to the greater of $600 for married couples who have filed for a joint return or $300 for all other filers. 

In the state of Maine, there is a stimulus check payment for 2023 for the residents who have lived in the state permanently and also filed for a tax return for 2021 no later than the 31st of October 2022.