Stimulus Checks Getting Approved For Transgender Community

Stimulus Check Disability Benefit
Stimulus Check

Income plans are getting into prominence since the pandemic era and federally approved stimulus checks are being distributed by states to targeted communities that deprive of civil rights in previous years.

Last year San Francisco published its guaranteed program for income exclusively for transgender residents in the city. The specific program will offer guaranteed checks for this queer community for 18 months starting this month.

State Introduces New Program Called Gift As An Upgrade To Stimulus Check

Mayor London Breen announced the project called “GIFT” also known as the Guaranteed Income for Transgender Program in November. The program offers stimulus checks to trans taxpayers that can be worth up to $1200 over 18 months. 

The website describes the GIFT project as financial aid for marginalized trans communities who are stripped from the rights of their annual income. The monthly guaranteed income will hopefully help the most neglectful group in our society afford their lifestyle and healthcare.

Since this is still a start-up the project will start with 55 applicants for its guaranteed payment. Apart from the mandatory stimulus check the applicant would also be receiving benefits such as mental health and medical attention inclusive of gender affirmation, financial advisory, and case management. 

Authorities will be accepting form submissions for the program dated between 15th November to 15th December 2022. Eligible candidates will receive a monthly check worth $1,200 for the next 18 months starting from January till the end of June 2024. 

Transgender citizens just have to qualify for the following demands:

  • Applicants should be aged 18 or above
  • Applicants shall fall under the jurisdiction of the city of San Francisco and its county. 
  • Their monthly annual income must be under $600.
  • Also, the survey must be updated every 3 months during the probation of the program.

The program will be directed by the Mayor’s Office along with supervision from Health Community Services and the District of Transgender rights.