Stimulus Checks: The President of the States Yet To Sign Another Round

stimulus checks

As we entered December of 2021, the Federal Government had already issued another stimulus check worth 400billion dollars for the third time cash injection of these stimulus checks.

 However, after the third round of these payments checks, the Federal Government hasn’t announced any other of these checks so far. The lawmakers are afraid that any more of these stimulus payment checks might increase the already uprising graph of inflation.

How Many Of These Payment Checks Have Been Sent Out So Far? 

The government of the States has already issued three stimulus payment checks so far. The very first of these Stimulus Checks were sent to help low-income houses in 2020. Each of those checks was as high as $1200. The second checks were given to the compatriots in early 2021. These checks were as high as $600.

The final payment checks so far that have been credited to the fellow compatriot’s accounts were sent out by the end of 2021, and it was sent to 175million people. These cash checks were worth $1400 each.

Will There Be A Fourth Of These Stimulus Checks? 

Even though Americans are hopeful about it, it is not likely to happen. The lawmakers of the states are afraid to increase the inflation rates by giving cash injections to the people.

The National Congress has now been considering the other issues on hand instead of signing approval from the president for the stimulus checks.

So, if you haven’t got the third payment check yet, here are the eligibility criteria for these checks. Single American tax filers having less than 75000USD income and joint ones with 150000USD income per annum are eligible for these stimulus checks.