Unemployment benefits Might be Delayed Despite Congress Passing the Covid Bill

Stimulus check
stimulus check

With the holidays approaching close, Congress is literally going out of their wits to legislate the Covid Bill to ensure unemployment benefits. The Covid relief bill would also promise certain other benefits despite a looming financial cliff before the end of the month. Unfortunately, most unemployed Americans might have to still wait for the unemployment benefits to reach them- even if the law is passed soon. This delay has no fixed schedule- it may be as short as a single week, or it may lead to January. If worse comes to play, then unemployment experts are of the opinion that it might just get shunted to February. 

One of the reasons behind this delay is the antiquated PCs that most states use- which makes coding uber difficult. Also, most states have to deal with increasing levels of unemployment claims as it comes up every single week. Elizabeth Pancotti, one of the policy advisors at Employ America, has already given up on not avoiding a lapse. She believes that they have already gone beyond that point when dealing with unemployment benefits. 

Millions poised to Lose Unemployment Benefits

This delay in unemployment benefits might make matters worse for millions of citizens throughout the country. Most of these citizens would be losing out on the CARES Act which is going to expire in the last week of December. Also, most of the federal evictions protections will also follow suit in December. 

Although there has been a proposal for a $908 billion package from moderate senators that are going to count in for four more months of unemployment benefits. These will be provided to those who have already been participants of traditional unemployment insurance. Also, workers who have been receiving aid using the program of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance will also be able to avail of it.