What is an MCN (Multi-Channel Network)?


What is an MCN on YouTube (Multi-Channel Network)?

In some cases, you will hear the term ‘MCN’ or Multi-Channel Network. But what is a Multi-Channel Network?

An MCN, or Multi-Channel Network is a company or organization that partners with YouTube channels, content creators and rights holders, often to monetize content that isn’t monetizable through regular means. An MCN in some cases also offers product, programming, funding, cross-promotion, partner management and audience development services for a percentage of the partnered channels earnings.

Can I become an MCN?

Maybe! To operate a Multi-Channel Network, you need the resources and knowledge to properly manage your clients assets. For a regular MCN, you need a Content Management System. These systems are issued by YouTube, and one of the requirements to get one, is to be working with a YouTube Partner Manager.

How can an MCN monetize and collect revenue on my channel?

In order for a Multi-Channel Network to be able to monetize your content, you need to sign a contract with the company. When the contract is signed, you give the company the permission to upload your videos or music to their Content ID dashboard. Once your content is uploaded to Content ID, YouTube’s crawlers will assign YouTube videos with matching content to the Content Management System, and the company will start collecting revenue from the matching content.

A YouTube channel has put one of my videos in a compilation without my permission. Can a Multi-Channel Network help me?

Yes. If content that you own the rights to is being used by somebody else, whether it just be a clip in a compilation, or a full reupload, a Multi-Channel Network can help you collect revenue, or completely block the usage of the content. This is all done through Content ID.