The Stocks Of WK Has Been Provided With A New Coverage By William Blair


William Blair, the brokerage firm, has already started covering the stocks of WK, which they reported in a research note that was sent out to clients and investors last Monday. Currently, the firm has a rating of outperform on its stocks. 

The Quarterly Earnings Of WK

There have been quite a few research equities that have commented on the stocks of WK. BidaskClub has already increased the shares of the company from a rating of ‘buy’, to a rating of strong buy, in a research report that dates back to 11th December. Raymond James has reiterated the hold rating that it had on the shares of WK, in another research report that was published on the 18th of September.

Northland Securities has also increased the price objective on the WK shares from a sum of $65 to a sum of $75. They also gave the company a rating of outperform. In the end, Truist also increased the price objective of the company from $73, to $80, in a research report that was sent out on the 20th of November. 

One investment analyst has already given the stocks a rating of sell, while three of them have given it a rating of ‘hold’. Five of them have given the stocks a rating of buy, while a single analyst has given it a rating of strong buy. Currently, the consensus rating of WK is ‘buy’, with a price objective of $70.22.

The shares of WK traded at $91.62 last Monday. The market cap of the firm was $4.42 billion, with a PE ratio of -69.41, and a beta sum of 1.28. The moving average of the firm over 50-days is $79.99, with the moving average of the firm over 200-days being $62.13. The year low of the firm is $22.01, and the year high has been set at $93.74. The current ratio of the firm is 2.48, with the debt-to-equity ratio set at 4.21.