What Makes Good Content? 


Have you ever wanted a truly objective opinion about your site’s content? Do all your pages look good and draw visitors into your website? Do your blog posts and guest blog pieces offer useful information that is not only well-written but accompanied by eye-catching photographs? These are the kinds of questions that should be going through your mind if you want to make content an effective part of your company’s marketing efforts. Written website pieces rise or fall based on several key factors. Consider the following strategies to boost the quality of your website’s content. 

Write It Yourself or Hire a Freelancer 

Early on, decide whether you’ll be writing all your own content or hiring out the work. Some owners utilize a mixed system in which they write long-form pieces and sub-contract the shorter blog posts that appear once or twice per week. Try out multiple writers until you find one that is a good fit for your organization. Don’t be discouraged by up-front prices because it can take a few weeks or months to see results of excellent articles, posts, and other written materials. 

Get Expert SEO Help 

It makes sense to hire an SEO freelancer with confidence. They can do a lot of things you can’t. Professionals in this niche understand how to optimize all your web content for maximum effectiveness. That means a competent freelancer will check your landing page, sales page, any advertising splash pages you have out there, all content in your blog, guest blog pieces you write, and more. An all-around search engine optimization pro can deliver solid results within couple of weeks, so don’t expect overnight miracles. Instead, look for freelancers who have verifiable resumes and experience bringing visitors and sales as a direct result of their efforts. Always check references and ask for sample projects to see what you’re getting. However, if you do hook up with a talented expert in this field, expect good things and consider renewing short-term contracts if you need ongoing help. 

Avoid PLR Articles 

There’s a huge cottage industry around private label rights (PLR). These are articles that you are (supposedly) purchasing the rights to. The problem with most PLR sellers is that you’ll see the items all over the web at dozens of sites. Almost 20 years ago, there was an ethical PLR industry that offered good content that was often sold in packages of 10 or more articles on related topics. Nowadays, it’s difficult to find PLR packs that haven’t been leaked and resold dozens of times. 

Study Your Niche’s Top-Ranking Websites 

If ever there were an industry in which to learn from the competition, this is it. Content marketing is all about search engine ranking. While you might have a solid pro on your team to do SEO for you, spend time studying the leaders in your niche. If you sell handmade jewelry, for example, identify the leaders who regularly rank at the top of near the top of common searches on terms like “hand-made jewelry,” “jewelry made by hand,” and “hand-made jewelry prices”, offering a template for what you should be doing on your own.