Response Of Trevor Noah To Kanye West’s Comment

Trevor Noah
Trevor Noah

A compassionate reply was given by Trevor Noah to Kanye West on his racial comment on social media. Kanye West was recently suspended from Instagram for his racial comments for the South African comedian. 

Trevor Noah Upset With Kanye For His Racial Comment

Trevor Noah, the 38-year-old- comedian gave a long response to such hate comment of Kanye and called him ‘k-n’. In the initial part of his response, Trevor Noah praised the musical work of Kanye and shared a screenshot that was captured by TMZ to show that his work affected him a lot. Trevor Noah also commented that he has learned to spend money differently and to protect his childish creativity from him. 

This comedian admitted that whenever he used to drive, Kanye’s music always brought a smile to his face. After sharing how much Kanye West meant to him, he said that his heart aches for Kanye after seeing all his Instagram posts. Trevor Noah also added that it never bothered him when Kanye supported the Trump Government or when he roasted Pete. However, it bothers him very much to see him going this way which is very close to pain and peril. 

Trevor Noah also reminded Kanye West to know the difference between fighting with members of his family and fighting for the members of the family. The first one always brought tragedy to the people. As per his view, he has read much news after waking up in the morning where someone had killed his wife or ex and then committed suicide to get rid of the guilt. Trevor does not want Kanye West to be like that. 

To wrap up his response, he said not to forget that racist people try to strip the blackness when there is a disagreement with black people. Furthermore, he called the wordplay of Kanye very funny and hoped that someday they can have a conversation together.