Alfonso Ribeiro Opens Up About Daughter Getting Severely Injured In Scooter Accident

Alfonso Ribeiro

Ava Sue, the daughter of Alfonso Ribeiro, was injured in a bike accident just one day before turning four. On Friday, the co-anchor of DWTS and his partner Angela posted on Instagram that their baby daughter required emergency treatment after falling from her scooter. Ribeiro said a photo of Ava’s wounds was posted with the caption that said it was not the sort of day one wants before turning four. Alfonso Ribeiro continued by expressing his sincere gratitude for the hospital’s emergency services that have led to Eva’s treatment and reduction of scarring. He also said that he was very proud of his baby for remaining brave throughout the process.

Alfonso Ribeiro Says He Is Grateful To The Hospital Staff For Treating Daughter With Minimum Scarring

Angela, Alfonso Ribeiro’s wife also posted a picture saying that she had a motherly intuition that morning that something might happen to her daughter and thus urged everyone helping to plan the birthday party, not to do anything unsafe or wild that may have the potential to send her daughter to the ER. She had “practically” made everyone look at her, making sure that they had understood every word of hers and taken it seriously. 

The day before Alfonso Ribeiro’s girl’s birthday, the misfortune girl slid off her scooter. Unfortunately, her comments were quickly forgotten, Angela said. Thanking Dr. Raffy from the hospital they had been to, she said that they were extremely grateful that he not only saw them after hours but also completed the treatment that reduced the inevitable scope of scarring on Ava’s face in the future. Angela further added that a visit to the ER was perhaps not the ideal manner of spending one’s final time as a three-year-old and said that lots of hugs and kisses awaited her daughter.