Even After Biggest Awards Hoda Kotb Lost To Her Daughter’s Spirit

hoda kotb

The best podcaster’s youngest one gave a health scare earlier this month. Hope Catherine has been in the ICU.  Hoda Kotb’s youngest is three years old. She and her husband adopted her in 2019. They also adopted Haley Joy in 2017. Last year due to significant reasons not stated she and her husband parted ways Officially. She took a sudden leave which left the audience wondering if she left the company or not. She is currently a single mom.

Hoda Kotb Juggles Work And Mom Duty Together

Both are equally important to her. She has been struggling with Hope’s health since March. Many close to her related to the media line have shared how Hoda Kotb has been struggling with family health issues. She has been preferring her privacy over everything. Previously Hoda Kotb youngest told her in the hospital that she is special.

God has given her something special which she would like to teach other people. Later when Kotb shared this insight she had with Hope. She is a proud mother. Furthermore, she said how incredible this is. The adults also learn from children. Haley is six years old and already takes care of the little one like she is an adult.

Hoda Kotb has learned that life is going to keep throwing curve balls at you. You need to learn how to face them. It’s not always about you. The person in front must be going through something more difficult. Hoda Kotb earned the best podcast or interview talk show for Making Space With Hoda Kotb. She showed her gratitude to everyone in the room present that evening. Majorly to her two daughters. Without them, she couldn’t imagine her life. She is learning new things because of them.