People Attempt To Unite Women With Dog Lost At The Vet


On March 17, Hannah Riley went to X to gather support to locate her 10-year-old dog, Hazel. When Hazel, a white and beige papillon, needed to be sent urgently to St. Francis Veterinary Specialists and Emergency in Atlanta, Georgia, Hannah was away on vacation.

Hazel’s caretaker discovered that her dog had consumed many cannabis candies, which prompted them to take her to the closest veterinarian. “Hazel ran away when they put her outside without a leash when she was visiting St. Francis Emergency Veterinary Care. She is afraid and ill, and she has a catheter in her leg. She acts aggressively against other dogs and is afraid of people. Please, please, spread the word.”

Will Hazel The Dog Be Found After All?

Since then, the article has received over 740,000 views, and investigators on the internet are working hard to assist Hannah.

On March 18, she tweeted a follow-up, saying, “I just can’t believe they took her outside without a leash.” The notion of her being outside in the cold and maybe experiencing pain from the catheter fills me with anger and despair. I’m also rather far away. A complete nightmare. Six years ago, Hannah adopted Hazel, and the two of them have been “attached at the hip” ever since. As of today, March 21, Hazel remains unaccounted for.

To generate money for advertisements aimed at reuniting Hannah and the dog owner, a close friend of Hannah’s has created a GoFundMe page.

In a handful of days, it achieved its $10,000 goal.