California Stimulus Check For SSI Recipients: Are The Social Recipients In Line For A 4th Stimulus Payment In 2022


Around 70 million Americans will benefit from the 5.9 increase in Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits in 2022. The 5.9% Cost of Living Adjustment starts with benefits going out to over 64M Social Security beneficiaries this month. The increased payment to around 8M beneficiaries started on December 30. There is also the additional support of the California stimulus check for SSI recipients.

The Golden State Grant for seniors and people having a disability who receive SSI benefits will get a one-time stimulus check of $600. It is part of the COVID-19 relief bill and provides direct aid to people severely impacted by the pandemic.

This relief includes a single grant of $600 to SSI disabled people and seniors. This should help partially to meet the high costs SSI recipients are struggling with during the pandemic. Most California stimulus checks for SSI recipients are going out in paper checks through the US postal service, hence the delay in some cases. The payment started for the SSI recipients is going out on a rolling basis.

California stimulus check for SSI recipients became necessary even as 1.2M older adults and disabled people’s conditions went from bad to worse. Due to the cuts back in 2009 for SSI recipients, the poorest of California’s oldest adults and people with disabilities are hanging on by a thread.

California stimulus check for SSI recipients became more than necessary as they survived paycheck to paycheck and were just a paycheck from being rendered homeless.

The benefits were just enough to keep them alive but they keep struggling and are in pain. It was not enough to have a decent quality of life.

The worst thing about cuts in the SSI is that it has prevented them from being able to set money aside and move out of poverty. They had no backup to see them through rainy months.

With higher medical insurance premiums and rising prices of products, disabled and seniors are experiencing serious constraints in meeting their financial obligations. California stimulus check for SSI recipients will help them absorb to a certain extent the inflationary shock facing retirees and the disabled.

California Stimulus Check For SSI Recipients Who May Be Eligible For The Social Security Benefits

The   SSI Program was funded federally to provide income support to eligible individuals aged 65 and above, or old, disabled, and blind people. SSI benefits also go out to disabled children and qualified bling people.

California stimulus checks for SSI recipients are being automatically mailed out based on the ZIP codes. Recipients received their payments based on the list put out by the administration.

The situation has become more hopeless for seniors and the disabled with the added menace of the omicron variant as it threatens to disrupt the economy. But the chances of a 4th stimulus check from the Biden administration looks remote as they are struck with passing the social spending bill. The administration at present is fixated on the vaccine mandate than on direct financial aid for the troubled sections of the population.

Chances Of A Federal Stimulus Check Appears Slim At This Point

An additional provision for direct relief stimulus checks was not a part of the infrastructure package that Congress pushed through in 2021. There is no provision either for any direct payment in the Build Back Better act either. As the Biden administration struggles to push that bill through, the President appears reluctant at present to go for a fresh battlefront in the Congress over any further direct stimulus package.

Even within the Biden administration, Joe Manchin has been a loose cannon as he has been opposing the Biden BBB bill. The passage of the bill would bring benefits for Social recipients. More important, it would allow the administration to go for an expansion of Medicare facilities and negotiate with big pharma for lower drug prices.

Confusions remain about Social Security recipients will be receiving the Golden State Stimulus II payments. It will all depend on state guidelines and only certain beneficiaries will be beneficiaries of California’s stimulus check. With 4.5M stimulus checks going out to Californians, a large number of payments could go out under this program.

California stimulus check for SSI recipients will not be given if Social Security is the only source of income. Under the requirements of the state, other types of income also do not come under the Adjusted Gross Income. This includes Supplemental Security Income, CalWorks, CalFresh, cash assistance initiatives for immigrants, VA disability benefits, unemployment, and State Disability Insurance.

California stimulus check for SSI recipients should go out to 6.1M Social Security beneficiaries in the state as per a 2020 census. This includes the survivors of beneficiaries and children according to data released by the Social Security Administration.

People who receive monthly benefits payments will have filed a tax return declaring some forms of income in 2020. It is expected to count towards California AGI with the minimum of $1 needed to receive a Golden State Stimulus check.