Even As Kanye West’s Controversial Anti-Semitic Comments Land Him In Trouble He Dates Juliano Nalu

kanye west
kanye west

Kanye West, an American rapper, record producer, entrepreneur, and fashion designer is in the eye of a storm for his antisemitic remarks. Many feel to deviate public attention he is seen coming up with Juliano Nalu. Kanye West changed his name to Ye legally in October 2021, saying it had religious significance for him.

Kanye West’s Racist Comments Land Him In Trouble 

After sharing antisemitic posts on Insta and Twitter Kanye faced a lot of criticism. The Anit Defamation League has pressed charges against him. He has been seen constantly unleashing a barrage of misleading and particularly offensive statements against Jews. He even wore a t-shirt that said ‘ White Lives Matter 

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are in the middle of divorce proceedings. At such a time he was seen outside a studio in LA kissing Juliana. Though they both went their separate ways after that Kanye, 45, for his meeting with Billy B, and Juliana, 24, went for her photo shoot. They had both worn similar Yeezy ensembles. 

The Brazilian model is highly ambitious and is in this field from the age of 6. Kanye West has been treating her to dinner at Swanky LA restaurants. He seems to be enjoying his blossoming new romance with her in full swing.

The fact that Kanye was trying to distract people from his Anti-Semitic remarks was put to rest when he told Pier Morgan that he was not apologetic for what he had said. He said he knew his viewpoint was prejudiced and biased towards a particular community but he was ready to stand by it.

His blatant hatred for the Jews has raised many an eyebrow. There has been many a backlash but Kanye just does not seem to care.

On the other hand, Juliana and Nalu seem to do wonderful in their profession.