Some States Could Be Handing Out Stimulus Check Payments- Where Do You Stand?

stimulus check

In their attempt at easing the financial burdens that were brought on by budget surpluses and inflation, quite a few states have decided to issue stimulus check payments and multiple tax refunds this month. In the state of California, the residents have the opportunity of receiving a monthly payment of $1000 for a duration of around two years- through Breathe- a Guaranteed Income Program.

In order for one to be eligible for assistance, the individuals would have to be in foster care until they are 18 years of age, or beyond, or also have an income that could be equal to or less than the local median. For households that have more than a single member, the combined income has to be under 120% of the media of the area. The county has also decreed that the applicants need to be affected adversely by the pandemic- although no clear example seems to have been provided. 

Stimulus Check Payment To Be Offered In A Few States

In the state of Georgia, the state government went on to announce stimulus check rebates of $250 for individuals, as well as a sum of $500 for couples. These rebates will only be applicable to those residents who have already filed their tax returns for both 2021 and 2022. Those who had previously submitted their returns before 18th April can also expect to receive their payment for this month- but it could take one to eight weeks to receive it. 

In Massachusetts, one could be entitled to a refund of around 14% of the state tax liability. This sizable stimulus check refund is entirely due to a revenue surplus that exceeds the state regulations, and the tax authority has already been assigned to distribute the excess straight back to the taxpayers.