Heather McDonald Has Labelled Bethenny Frankel As The Greatest Hypocrite

Heather McDonald

Heather McDonald blew her top when Bethenny Frankel sent a message to a TikTok creator Meredith Lynch asking her to stop slandering Bethnney and her brand The Skinny Girls.

Heather McDonald Wages All-Out War Against Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel, 51, has starred in eight seasons of the popular series The Real Housewives of NYC. she has risen to fame for constantly calling a spade a spade on various products and brands. She has become a self-proclaimed critic.

Heather McDonald is an American stand u comedian, author, and actress. She said what is surprising is that when someone is doing the same with her and her brand Skinny Girl, she has immediately sent a legal notice to her. She was shocked that Frankel could do something like this to a young TikTok writer. 

McDonald in her podcast Juicy Scoop said actions taken by Frankel amount to being cynical and two-faced. She is ruthless and cruel.

Heather says she needs to be given the peoples’ choice award for being the greatest hypocrite in Hollywood. She further says that she would not be intimidated by her. Seeing the condition Lynch was in and how she had hurriedly removed her post from social media Heather was really angry and upset.

Bethenny had literally bullied and threatened Lynch into deleting her post. Lynch was totally traumatized by it.

Heather McDonald said, initially when she reacted to this incident, she did not take any names, but later she decided that the world needed to know who the actual manipulator was.

Frankel The RHONY star cryptically responded to Heather’s accusations by saying that either she should hear her side of the story or she can go and do whatever she wants. She absolutely could not care less as to what people thought about her.