Ahmed Sobhy – An Exemplar In Turning Passion Into A Blooming Career

ahmed sobhy
ahmed sobhy

We are all familiar with the saying, “Follow your dreams.” In fact, it has been repeated so many times by so many people that it has become a tired old thing. From a line that should inspire us, it has turned into a cliche in movies and songs. That’s the point. We see people following their dreams and making it a success only in movies. Very rarely does it happen in our reality. Well, we are going to tell you about Ahmed Sobhy and his success story. This might just ignite the passion in you.

Ahmed Sobhy is very much an individual in our world. He’s a dog lover, something that most of us can say that we are too. The trait might be common, but Sobhy has turned it into a not so common successful career. Now, this is the kind of success stories we need!

The one key factor to Sobhy’s success is his undying passion and constant work from his side to make his dream a reality. One thing he was sure of since he was 8 years old is that he loved dogs. Very well into his adult life, he found himself parenting a Rottweiler. It came as a surprise and always irked him that Rottweilers had gained undue negative reception in people’s minds. This was unacceptable to Sobhy, and so, he decided to change things around.

Ahmed Sobhy’s Entrepreneurial Journey Begins

He quit his job in finance, something which he had taken due to societal pressures. He decided that his dreams were worth fighting for. And he knew that a successful career needed his undivided attention.
Without losing any time, he created a Facebook fan page for Rottweilers. And as is expected, there are always moments of doubt when someone takes out a venture such as this. Sobhy was not sure how his passion and vision would be received by the crowd. Soon enough, he was elated to find out that he had gained a huge following of 200k over a period of just 3 weeks! He also created a page on Instagram, which has over 4.6 million followers.

Generating such a huge following is no joke, especially when there’s no shortage of pages dedicated to our paw friends. This success didn’t just come to Sobhy, he worked hard for it. From maintaining the page to creating entertaining and educational posts, he did it all. And his tireless efforts showed results soon enough. He witnessed his growing number of loyal followers and took note of what they needed.

Lo and behold; his social media pages transformed into an exceptional website called Rottweiler Life. This website soon became a boon for all Rottweiler owners. The needs of Rottweilers are not widely discussed in the media. Since every dog breed is different, their needs vary from each other. And this is what Rottweiler Life delivers. It is a one-stop site that guides Rottweiler owners on how to take care of their four-pawed baby.

The website understands that it is all about nurturing and shaping your dog into the version of your ideal companion. It also has articles on how Rottweilers as a breed are different from other dogs. Most importantly, it shows a different side of Rottweilers than the media does. Oftentimes, the media shows Rottweilers as aggressive and violent. Ahmed Sobhy’s website breaks stereotypes by showing a compassionate and softer side to the breed. Besides, the website features many video clips that will surely give you joy. The success of the website dwells on the fact that it has a strong following of over 1.4 million loyal people. Back in 2014, it also received an award for the Best Rottweiler website.

When we say success takes constant work, we mean it. Some people would have stopped after all that success, but not Sobhy. He even introduced a Rottweiler Life monthly magazine. The sole purpose of the magazine is to reach out to a greater crowd and spread awareness about the positive features of Rottweilers. The magazine features exclusive content that, if you are a dog lover, you will surely enjoy.

Given the encouraging love and support Sobhy’s website got, it was clear that people craved for more. So, he published a well-researched ebook on the breed with the name Rottweiler Life. The book will reveal information that you never knew. From the history and origin of the breed, training tricks, breeding process, to where you can buy Rottweilers if you are interested. The book boasts the title of US Bestseller.

Now, the website has taken yet another transformation. It is now a full-fledged LLC Media Company and operates from Florida, USA.

Business Venture Continues

The secret to success is hard work and passion. And both the ingredients are within Sobhy. He expanded his enterprise with yet another company called Wow Things Media Company. The company helps clients with everything related to digital marketing. From website and app development, managing social media, creating rich SEO content, to overall assistance.
Ahmed Sobhy’s efforts have not only proved profitable for him, but also for his loyal and ever-expanding followers. The love and support continue to pour in. It only goes on to prove that hard work and perseverance are recognized and appreciated by everyone.

Ahmed Sobhy is an exemplar in turning passion into a successful career. With his ever-strong passion, it looks like he has even greater heights to reach.