Snapchat Announces AR Support for Apple’s New LiDAR Capability for iPhone 12

Apple LiDAR

The next level of AR is coming! Snapchat seems to stay at the front of the technology.

Apple has announced this week the launch of the new iPhone 12, that with other advances, contains a new LiDAR scanner that will enhance digital mapping of real world scenes.

LiDAR stands for light detection and ranging, and it measures how long does it take for light to reach any object and reflect back. Practically, this enables bigger depth mapping via building a greater understanding of objects in a frame, and will ease the AR creation tools that can interact and respond better to real world objects and cues.

Apple LiDAR
Snapchat Announces AR Support for Apple's New LiDAR Capability for iPhone 12 2

As we have displayed in the example above, Snapchat is working with apple already on enhancing the new technology for the Lenses and more AR tools.

According to TechCrunch’s report, after Apple’s announcement of the iPhone launch, Snapchat has confirmed that it might be between the first companies to be applying LiDAR enabled AR tools in the application. Also, it is also improving its Lens Studio to make it easier for creators to create their own Lenses using LiDAR detection.

Indeed, these updated Lenses will be only accessible for iPhone users, yet it adds another element to the AR capacity of Snapchat. Also, interestingly it builds a further connection between Snapchat and Apple. This could be relevant especially as we move into the next level of the AR development

This next stage will be AR-enabled glasses which many companies are currently developing like Google and Facebook. Also, apple is developing its own AR wearable device that may get launched very early, probably next year. And though apple is on the way to develop a fashionable and consumer friendly AR device, it would look for a partner like Snapchat to enhance both of their tools, and hold off the competition from Facebook.

Snapchat would like to turn its Spectacles into a complete AR-enabled glasses device. However, it looks like Snapchat is a long way from keeping up with the technology giants in developing the next level of the tech. However, Snapchat has the experience and the ‘cool’ factor to bring the AR glasses to the market. So, it makes sense then that if Apple needs to launch its own AR glasses offering, it could be partners with Snapchat to start a new Spectacles or something similar to it that will include Snapchat’s main AR functions in a consumer-friendly package.

This means that Apple might not basically need Snapchat to do this, yet Snapchat is the chief in AR development and may offer some engaging and enticing options to help transfer more elements. As we mentioned above, Snapchat has already been working with Apple in the AR developments incorporating these recent examples.

LiDAR-enabled AR Lenses are the same thing and will be adding a set of new options for Snapchat. However, AR Spectacles may be the final goal. And also could end up being a strong option to match up against the Project Aria-inspired device of Facebook.

Anyway, soon we will get some exciting new AR options, that may open up new opportunities for ads and developed virtual placement tools for clothing, furniture, and so on.

However, AR Spectacles will be something, just wait and watch.