Americans Are Worried Social Security Could Go Bankrupt: Will It Still Be Around When Present Workers Retire

Social Security

One issue that has troubled both working and retired people is the issue of the durability of the Social Security payments. While people were expecting that the news would turn out for the better, it transpired that the situation continues to be grim. The dire situation has not changed, it appears as far as Social Security payments are concerned. 

While the situation is brighter for the disability aspect of Social Security, the retirement segment stays under a countdown to imminent insolvency. By 2034, the Old Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund could be depleted. This OASI fund is that segment from where the Social Security checks come, the payments that the government has continued paying for close to 100 years.

But there is good news as workers will continue paying into the Social Security system even beyond 2034. The payments will go directly to the pay retirees. But the catch is that it will cover a mere 77% of the total expected payouts. 

Seen in another way, that could come to a 23% pay cut for all Social Service beneficiaries beyond 2034. But there are optimists who say that it is politically expedient for Washington to continue to fully back the Social Security payments. But no one is sure the way that Social Service is heeded in the next ten years. And for that, experts advise those working to pay beyond that and build up a backup. But that recipe will not work for the retired and those on the verge of retirement. 

There are those who feel that backers of the Social Security funds will have sufficient clout in Congress to convince politicians to back the retirement benefits. But that seems unlikely given the enormity of the shortage. That means a cut is imminent in 2034.

As a worker who faces retirement in a decade or so, there is still a way out. You can adopt several strategies to lessen the impact of a worst-case scenario. And all of them are related to either saving money and cutting back on other expenses, the second is about finding ways to earn more. Either way, that boils down to more savings that will offset the setback when the Social Services payments begin to fail. 

Social Security Recipients

A section of experts is certain that thee will e a reduction in benefits after 2034 based on current projections. Saving additional funds for post-retirement plans would be a prudent move as well as anticipating a possible benefit reduction

Social Security’s Popularity Has Not Been Eroded By The Prospect Of Failure

The nervousness linked to an imminent crisis in Social Security within a decade has not impinged upon its popularity. Both sides of the political camp have indicated that they are willing to pay more in taxes to sustain it. The last time a  politician tried to wreck Social Security was George W. Bush in 2005 when he schemed to replace the funds by moving revenues into private funds. But this was upturned by members of the Republicans themselves.

The members of the subcommittee that overlooks Social Security have introduced plans that will restore Social Security to sustainable solvency. But the Republicans and Democrats have proposed divergent views. While the Republicans have talked of closing the gaps in funding by cutting benefits to the extent that the cuts would allow cuts in the payroll tax. 

But Democrats have proposed raising taxes to the level that would allow the long-term funding gap to be closed and also pay for the increase in future benefits. With such divergent viewpoints, it is unsurprising that congressional leaders have shown no interest in pressing matters. 

Ways You Can Boost Your Social Security Benefits

Retirees can still boost their Social Security with a few key strategies. There are steps that one should take to ensure a maximum benefit from Social Security retirement benefits. It may not be limited to any one strategy and could be a combination of several, some of which have eligibility requirements.

While you may be eligible for Social Security benefits after working for as little as 10 years, it is prudent that you work for the maximum years possible and even till the age of seventy if possible. The benefits are based on an average of the thirty-five highest earning years. And for those who have worked for fewer years, the zeros have been averaged in.

Social Security Disability

While the maximum benefits for 2023 are $2,572 for those retiring at the age of sixty-two, it is $3,506 for beneficiaries who retire at the age of sixty-six. And for those who carry on uniting at the age of seventy, the benefits balloon to $4,555.

So retiring at the early of sixty-two will reduce the benefits of your Social Security benefits by between 25% to 30%. And for everyone born after 1942, the full retirement age is sixty-six, with two months added for each year after 1954. And for those born after 1960 and later, the retirement age stands at 67.

It is evident that it’s wise to wait till the full retirement age to start collecting to get the highest Social Security benefits you are eligible to receive. If it is possible for your situation, you can wait even longer and become eligible for delayed retirement credits that increase your monthly payment. 

Signing Up For Spousal Benefits And Apply For Dependent Benefits

Those married and having little earned income have the option to apply for spousal benefits. They are up to fifty percent of their partner’s eligible amount. And if you are at least sixty-two years old and have a cold to care for, you are eligible for benefits through your working spouse. Even divorcees are eligible, and both partners can claim spousal benefits. Retired beneficiaries who have dependents under nineteen are also entitled to up to fifty percent of the benefits.