Stimulus Check To Be Received by Social Security Beneficiaries on 7th April

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

Almost 30 million of the Social security recipients and other government program beneficiaries have suffered from the delayed check issuance. Nonetheless, the IRS has informed that they will definitely receive their $1,400 stimulus check on 7th April.

The IRS stated on 1st April, Thursday that they will start issuing stimulus payments this upcoming weekend. They further added the most of the stimulus checks sent through electronic means will reach their destination on 7th April, Wednesday.

Delayed Stimulus Checks To Reach This Wednesday

The ongoing round of payments will be reaching the people belonging to the categories of Social Security, Railroad Retirement Board, and Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries. This is mainly due to the reason that these people had failed to file their taxes in 2019 or 2020. Additionally, they made no use of the Non-Filers tool provided by the agency last year.

Due to the IRS depending on the tax returns for determining the eligibility and address of sending the stimulus checks, the people not needed to file income tax had to fall victim to the system.

As of now, the IRS has sent approximately 130 million stimulus payments that worth roughly $335 million, as reported by the tax agency on Thursday. The majority of the payments had been issued only a week ago when Joe Biden, President of the US, signed the US Rescue Plan of $1.9 trillion.

After this, several seniors and government recipients had trouble understanding the reason behind not receiving the much-needed stimulus checks. The delay was because of the Administration of Social Security that only offered payment information of 30 million recipients to the IRS two weeks after the Biden signing.

The Veterans Affairs along with other citizens are also suffering a holdup in payments that might need more time.