Kaley Cuoco Grieves The Death Of Her Pup ‘Kingy’

Kaley Cuoco

Kaley Cuoco is famous for her love for animals. The actress has always advocated animal adoption. The old actress loves her pack and is ever-sharing cute updates and photos. Kingy was gone only a year and a half after they rescued him from a shelter.

Kaley Cuoco says that she was at a loss for words as Kingy was the first that she and Tom rescued together. She says there was something so special about him. She first saw him in an Atlanta shelter, shaking and in need of love and care. She was then in Germany and contacted the shelter.

The shelter held Kingy for Kaley Cuoco and Tom as they decided that they had to adopt her. She returned weeks later to Atlanta as Tom had worked there. They spent a whole day driving to the shelter to pick up Kingy. She exclaims that it was a moment of instant love.

In an Instagram post, the actress uploaded ten adorable pics of Kingy, herself and Tom, and also their one-year-old daughter, Matilda.

There is also a photo that shows Kingy along with Kaley Cuoco’s other dogs – Ruby, Miss Opal, Larry, Blueberry, Shirley, and Red.

Kaley Cuoco Says That Kingy Was With Them For Too Short A Period

Kaley Cuoco laments that they did not have Kingy for long enough. He started life at their home as an underweight, skinny, bald, and scared dog. He was soon a chubby, confident, hilarious part of the family. She says that adopting senior dogs who have health issues comes with an uncertainty about how long they will stay before they cross over. But she acknowledges that even in that short period that he spent with them, he left an indelible print forever on their hearts.

Cuoco acknowledges that there is something special about adopting dogs from the shelter, especially senior dogs. They give so much in the short time that they stay with us. And they are also easier to handle for elderly people and busy couples. They are already potty trained and do not have destructive tendencies like chewing whatever catches their fancy.