In His Eight-Year Struggle With Cancer, Dolph Lundgren Says He Nearly Passed Away

Dolph Lundgren

Amid a covert cancer struggle, Dolph Lundgren had been informed that he had no more than 2-3 years to survive. On Wednesday’s broadcast of the show with Graham Bensinger, the 65-year-old actor revealed that he had been confirmed in 2005 as having kidney cancer. Dolph Lundgren said that the doctors had removed his kidney tumor. But after a biopsy, they discovered that it was malignant, said Dolph Lundgren. After that, he said he had to go for scans once a year and everything was better for around five years.

His cancer returned in 2020 after having the tumor removed; however, this time, his physicians discovered six tumors throughout his liver and kidneys. Lundgren had to begin chemotherapy because the enlargement was too large to be removed by surgery, which has several negative effects. His fiancee, Emma Krokdal, said that his mouth, hands, and feet had become sore and he could not eat warm, spicy, or cold food, it had also become very difficult for him to swallow while he continued to lose weight.

Dolph Lundgren On Making Remarkable Recovery After Battling With Cancer

Dolph Lundgren recalls that people at the time had started telling him that he should perhaps just take some time off and spend time with his family more often and he would then often ask the doctors how long he was going to survive, to which he had been told that it wasn’t going to be more than 2-3 years. At the time, he remembers being certain that he had reached the finishing line but thanks to his beautiful and fulfilling life, he did not feel unhappy about it.

Eventually, despite the deterioration, he asked his doctor for another opinion and an essential discovery had been made. One of the tumors inspected by Dr. Drakaki included a mutation that in lung cancer is frequently observed, which unlocked a completely new realm of potential therapies.