Kid Rock Repeats Homophobic Slur: Is Blasted After He Stays Unrepentant

kid rock
kid rock

He initially bad-mouthed gay people on June 5, but Kid Rock, the rapper has added further fuel to the fire by repeating the insult under his real name.

He used his real name on his Twitter handle to justify his stage persona’s ugly behavior. So it boils down to the fact that basically, this split personality has displayed homophobic tendencies.

He then tried to make up for his ugly behavior by claiming that he has plenty of gay friends.

He had spewed homophobic terms at fans at a show in Tennessee this Saturday. He was performing in Smithville when he became annoyed at fans recording his gig.

He shouted the slur and then pointed to his crotch area and told them to record it. his slur is a common favorite of bigoted bullies and smacks of downright stupidity. It’s the kind of stunts one uses to jump-start a dead career. 

Fans On Twitter Up In Denunciation Of Kid Rock

Fans condemned the hateful rhetoric and said that trying to put a cute spin on it made it even more horrid. Others said that a person with gay friends would never have used that word as an insult.

It appears the Michigan native lost his cool after he failed to get complete attention. Robert James Ritchie lost his cool as fans were recording and yelled out insulting words.

What rankled people was that his attack came out in Pride Month. It is bound to hurt his popularity and income. Others pointed out that Kid Rock has been irrelevant since 1998, and wasn’t worth the excess attention.

Kid Rock had attacked the gay community in another interview back in 2015. Others have commented on his support for Donald Trump and said his behavior shouldn’t come as a surprise. He had said in the past that he did not believe in being politically correct.