Paris Hilton Walks Into Barren Room At Los Angeles F1 Party

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton was taken aback as she walked into an LA Grand Prix party. The Formula 1 party at the Virgin Hotel was far from filled as she arrived for a DJ set. The 42-year-old heiress of the Hilton hotel chain stared at a dance floor that was only half-filled as depicted by a social media posting.

The video mentioned that it was a priceless moment as Paris Hilton found that there was no one attending the FI after-party. Paris Hilton was dressed in a dazzling racing jumpsuit. Taken aback, she was noticed lifting her omnipresent sunglasses to get a better view of the surrounding scene. Fans were then cheering as the set appeared to be half-empty even as another DJ announced an upcoming set.

Paris Hilton Found It Incredible To Be Part Of The First Los Angeles Formula 1

Paris Hilton was in a bedazzled pink, purple, and silver racing suit. She had on matching sparkly pink sunshades and silver boots. Her blonde was tied in a high, sleek ponytail as she stood for pictures at the special Hilton party at the LA Virgin Hotel.

Inscribed on her dress was the iconic catchphrase of Paris Hilton –‘sliving.’ She was on Instagram addressing the blast she had at the Stay on the Grid experience. Written on the back of the racing suit were the words, ‘It matters where you stay.’ It was seen in the pictures where she was seen dancing at the party behind the DJ console.

Paris Hilton went for the chic black look on Saturday. She was dressed in a cutout outfit worn beneath a moto outfit comprising a jacket, all-leather pants, and black shades. But instead of a ponytail, her blond tresses hung loose, parted straight down in the middle. She captioned the recap and wrote on Instagram that it was incredible to be part of the 1st Formula 1 race in Los Angeles.