Pinterest Ads: A Simple Guide to Set You Up For Success


The ads on Pinterest have earned a good name among users considering their impact and variety. Pinterest ads are unbranded and allow users to come across new products and concepts. According to 73 % of pinners, the ads on Pinterest and its content ups Pinterest’s efficiency. 

Moving forward you will get a fair idea about how you can advertise on Pinterest, various types of formats of ads on Pinterest, tips on Pinterest ads, and examples of Pinterest ads.

Why Choose to Put Up Ads on Pinterest?

Marketers are offered with public awareness and recognition by over 250 million Pinterest users when they opt for ads on Pinterest.

According to 98% of Pinners, they found new things on Pinterest ads and tried them on versus 71% of social media users.

Apart from driving awareness, brands giving ads on Pinterest witness better results due to the targeting capabilities of Pinterest.

For each dollar of advertisers, Pinners who spend 29% more than non-pinners provide a profit of $2. Ads on Pinterest are available in Canada, Australia, Ireland, France, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and the United States.

It’s advisable to have a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of ads on Pinterest before initiating a campaign. The Pinterest ads you are interested in will decide the Pinterest ad format, the type of bid, and the placements available.

Promoted Ads on Pinterest or Promoted Pins

Similar to a regular pin, Promoted Pins pop up in the home feed as well as search results. But the promoted pins are boosted and targeted in a better way to produce better results. Promoted ads or pins don’t have any label and act as normal Pinterest ads. Pinterest users can share, comment, and pin them on boards.


The best part about Promoted pins is that after it is shared by a pinner, it loses its ‘promoted tag.’ Post the share the promoted ad on Pinterest is termed as earned media.

Considering it a free exposure, when a user clicks on the Pinterest ad, he is directly taken to the landing page. Promoted Pin features include the Objective of the brand i.e. brand awareness, .JPEG or .PNG file type, an ideal aspect ratio of 2:3, allows a file size of a maximum of 10 MB and a description copy of a maximum of 500 words.

Ads on Pinterest: One tap

As per Pinterest, since 2019, the format of Pinterest ads has been officially changed to a one-tap system. This means that the user will be redirected to the landing page when clicked on the Pinterest ad.

‘Two-tap’ ads on Pinterest, Pinterest ads which zoomed in after the first click are extinct now. Since the one-tap system is the only prevalent one, it is no more regarded as a category of Pinterest ads.

Promoted Carousels

Promoted Carousels were introduced in November of 2018. Such Pinterest ads let a Pinner swipe through two to five images.

Behaving like any other pin, these ads on Pinterest appear anywhere a pin can. You can differentiate promoted carousels by detecting the dots that let you swipe through.

If you have more than one business, Promoted Carousel kind of ads on Pinterest is the right choice. As each card in such Pinterest ads allow you to attach a different image, you can showcase your multiple businesses through each image.

The Promoted Carousel features include.PNG, .JPEG file types, an aspect ratio of 1:1 or 2:3, a maximum 10 MB file size, a title copy of a maximum of 100 characters, and a description copy of a maximum of 500 characters.

Promoted Ads Video or Promoted Pins

Promoted video pins are Pinterest video ads. The images are replaced by videos. Similar to Promoted ads on Pinterest, Pinterest ads video or Promoted video Pins can appear in search results, home feed, and the section named ‘more like this.’

As soon as the Pinterest ads video gets 50 % views, Pinterest Promoted pins can autoplay. Many users prefer watching Pinterest ads video without the sound. Considering that Pinterest video ads produce videos that are not sound dependent.

Pinterest ads video can be produced in two sizes: Standard and Max-Width.

Standard width videos have the size like normal ads on Pinterest. But max-width Pinterest ad videos utilize the entire space on the feed. That helps to cancel out distractions created by other ads on Pinterest.

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However, the concept of maximum video exposure demands more investment. Videos are ideal for awareness campaigns, and a good format for telling a brand or product story.

Pinterest ads videos are best suited for awareness campaigns. Its format helps to tell a story about a product or brand.

A study conducted with Millward Brown inferred that users retained Promoted videos four times more than image-based Pinterest ads. His study also found that 67% of Pinners connect to Pinterest ad videos more.

The features of Promoted Video Specs include Video views under campaign objective, .MPR or.MOV file type, an H264 encoding, an ideal aspect ratio of 1:1, 2:3, 9:16 or 16:9, a file size of maximum 2GB. The video length offered is a minimum of 4 seconds and a maximum of 30 minutes. It also allows a description copy of a maximum of 500 characters.


Promoted App Ads 

Promoted App ads on Pinterest or Promoted App Pins are mobile-only Pinterest ads. It allows a user to directly download the mobile app from Pinterest. It is indeed apt for the audience of Pinterest as 80 % of users use Pinterest through their mobile. 

Similar to Promoted ads on Pinterest or Promoted Video Pins, Promoted App Pins directly link to the URL of iTunes or Google Play store app. After installation, one can view the pins. It is better to ensure that your images or videos give a clear idea to the users about your app.

Most of the pinners have a knack for shopping. So one-click app downloads are quite handy in increasing sales. 

Playrix promoted his Fishdom and Gardenscapes game apps through the Promoted App ads on Pinterest and found that one among 5 installs from Pinterest followed paying users. This helped to double their Return on Investment (ROI).

pinterest ads

Buyable ads on Pinterest or Buyable Pins

Buyable ads on Pinterest help a user shop. A Pinner can search and buy the product of his choice directly from the Buyable Pinterest ad.

You can browse through Buyable Pins both through the web as well as mobile. The white dots on the Buyable Pinterest ads that direct to the actual product link is the only difference it has with Promoted ads on Pinterest.

Buyable ads on Pinterest are best for images to feature several products. As Pinterest suggests, each white dot is directed towards the product link. If not, then try finding one suitable match and other related matches.

A bespoke tagging tool is offered by Pinterest if you want to create a buyable as on Pinterest. Choose Olapic or Curalate, preferred partners of Pinterest for bigger campaigns. Buyable Pinterest ads are planned to generate more sales.

Modern citizens witnessed an increase of 73% in its orders after it opted for Buyable ads on Pinterest.



Story Ads on Pinterest

A new format being tested with specific businesses, the Story Pins, or Story ads on Pinterest allows you to promote 20 pages of images, links, and texts.

Story ads on Pinterest surface with a cover image and title. It also says ‘Story’ underneath. You can view all the pages by clicking the Story Pin. You can save the Story ads on Pinterest on your board just like any other Pinterest ad.

Know-Hows of Advertising on Pinterest

Once you are aware of the different types of ads on Pinterest, you can easily create an ad campaign on Pinterest.

1.A business account is First Step

Setting up an ad campaign on Pinterest is a quick process. First, a business account needs to be created. You can either convert your existing account into a business account or create a new one.


2.Pinterest Tag Installation Follows

One of the significant steps while creating an ad on Pinterest is installing the Pinterest Tag. The advantage of installing this tag is that it allows you to track the user-actions after he has viewed your Pinterest ad. It shows actions like sign-ups, checkouts, and searches.

3.Set a Campaign Goal

Any ad campaign starts at with a specific aim. You must know your objective or goal before you start a Pinterest ad campaign. Knowing the right goal will help you to know the available Pinterest ad formats and how you bid in the Pinterest ad auction.


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Pinterest offers you the following campaign objectives. They are:

  1. Generating more traffic for your website. You can earn leads to high quality and direct Pinners to your website. You pay -per each click.
  2. If brand awareness is your campaign goal, then you must choose this campaign goal. You can get exposure for your brand with the present and appropriate customers. You will be charged once you have reached 1000 impressions.
  3. Increasing app installs. To promote app downloads on Pinterest, you can either Pay by install or pay-per-click. Based on your budget, Pinterest makes adjustments to your bids if you choose Pay by install. If you opt to pay by the click, your ads on Pinterest are optimized for traffic on click.

 4.Setting a Campaign Budget 

Choose a campaign name followed by a daily and lifetime expenditure limit. As you proceed, more specific pricing bars will be available.

If the carousel ad campaign is your choice then ensure to enable it. However, this works if brand awareness is your Pinterest ad campaign objective. 


 5.Next To-do: Create an Ad Group 

Either you select a pre-existing Pinterest ad group or go for a new one. An ad group acts as a container for your Promoted ads on Pinterest. A different budget and a different target can be assigned for each ad group.

Pinterest ad groups assist you in creating multiple objectives within a particular ad campaign. 

Let’s say you want to target a select content for particular demography but don’t have the budget. In that case, you go for two to four ads on Pinterest per ad group.

Choose a pre-existing ad group or create a new one. Think of an ad group as a container for your Promoted Pins. Each ad group can have a different assigned budget and different targeting.


6. Specify Target Audience

Setting a target audience is your next step. Choose the type of audience you want for your ads on Pinterest. Your target audience can be selected according to gender, language, location, and device. 

If you have chosen traffic generation or brand awareness as the objectives of your ad campaign, opt for a broad targeting plan. This helps you to dodge low click volume.

ad target

7.Where Do You Want to Place Your Ads on Pinterest?

It is advisable to opt for the default all placements option if your budget allows.  If not, you can surface your Pinterest ads on two main avenues, namely, Search and Browse. 

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Browse placements can be found in the home feed and other related ads on Pinterest. Browse placements work better with interest targeting. On the contrary, Search placements function aptly with keyword targeting.

8.Select your Keywords and Interests

To widen your targeting of ads on Pinterest, add your keyword targeting and interests. This option makes sure that your ads on Pinterest are naturally targeted to related interests and searches.

According to Pinterest, ad campaigns can enhance their reachability, click-through rates, and increase their sales by specifying keyword tagging and interests.

Use 25 keywords if you want the perfect results. Formatting can be done in keywords to point to phrase match, broad match, or an exact match. If you don’t want particular search terms to trigger your Pinterest ads, add negative keywords.


9.Schedule and Budget Selection

The first step is to select a start and end date for your ad campaign on Pinterest. Second, specify your lifetime or daily budget. The daily budget will set your daily expenditure limit for your Pinterest ad group. The lifetime budget is the total amount you will spend from the start date until the end date.

Ensure you are careful while filling out this section. You cannot edit this portion in the future.


Check out his video for getting a better idea about the first five steps:


10.Delivery and Optimization

For your ads on Pinterest, start with a maximum bid. In other words it is called your target CPM rate. Your minimum bids must be more than $2.00.


11.Select Your Pacing 

The two kinds of Pacing options available for your ads on Pinterest are Standard and accelerated.

Standard Pacing lets you place your bid with total expenditure and duration of the Pinterest ad campaign.

If your Pinterest ad campaign is of high-impact, choose accelerated pacing. It ensures faster results and also allows for quicker delivery of your campaign budget.

Pinterest makes sure that it doesn’t spend more than your daily budget but an accelerated campaign may clear out your budget before your Pinterest ad campaign ends.

12.Selection of Promoted Pins

Tap on Pick a Pin to add Pins or ads on Pinterest to your ad group. Keep in mind that each Pinterest ad group should aim at including two to four Pins. 

Creating a new Pin is always an option. Or else select ads on Pinterest that you have already added in the past. You must set a URL and name for each Pin.

For ads on Pinterest to be fitting, it should be saved to your profile. The ads on Pinterest shouldn’t be saved on secret boards. It should have a destination URL without being shortened. Ensure that your Pinterest ads don’t feature any videos or GIFs of the third-party.


13.Track Your Ad Campaign Performance

To analyze the impact of your Pinterest ad campaign, select Analytics found on the dashboard of Pinterest Ads Manager. This option will let you get an idea about the impact of all the Pinterest ad campaigns. It also allows us to know about the campaigns’ key metrics which include impressions or clicks, CTR or engagement rate, total spend; average eCPM and eCPC, earned and non-earned cost of per impression, and effective cost based on per click respectively.


Select a particular Pinterest ad campaign to look through the details about its performance. Considering each ad campaign is unique and different from the others, there are few things you can keep in mind to produce better results. They are:

  1. Broaden your ad campaign’s audience
  2. Increase your campaign’s budget
  3. Juggle through various formats 
  4. Make it event-oriented

Ads on Pinterest: Tips, Tricks, and Examples

Go through these tips and examples to ensure that you have fresh content. It is very important to nourish your content and make necessary changes before investing in the marketing strategy for your ads on Pinterest. 

1.Eye-pleasing Content

For high impact, opt for simple images. Considering 80% of Pinners use mobile for Pinterest, the images must have high-resolution and few must be vertical images. Following specifications by Pinterest is the best choice for avoiding any distortion.

360i, an ad agency, and Absolut opted for strong visuals and closeups for their Pinterest videos to create a stir.



2.Start with a Hook

The first 30-60 characters that appear in your description is vital. This sets your hook. Prioritize the starting of your description as the rest may not be visible on the feed. Similarly for video, the first couple of seconds is important. Include a brand name for better awareness. 


3.Clear Description

Your ads on Pinterest must have a clear description. It is appreciated by Pinterest users when the description is detailed and helps them decide their next course of action. Try using hashtags and keywords.

4. Opt for Lifestyle Themes 

Pinners connect to ads on Pinterest when the product brand is in action, be it an image or a video.

Ads on Pinterest that show individual communication with your service or product drives 67% more sales.

Look at this Starbucks ad on Pinterest: 

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5. Better Branding 

Pinners are good to go with branded content. Ensure that your brand name is visible to create brand awareness. If it is a Pinterest ads video make sure that your brand name is visible to the viewers in the first few seconds or through the entire video. If your ads on Pinterest are images then avoid the lower right corner

6.A Text Overlay

To improve your brand message, go for text overlay. The finest text overlays are actionable or have unique features.

 To promote La La Land’s Global wins, it used text overlay to create impact.


7. Story-telling

A study conducted on 29 Promoted Video ad campaigns found that people respond better to ads on Pinterest that tell a story. It also detected that users watched videos 29% more when it was based on a story.

Telling a story through your ad on Pinterest helps you to share the background of your brand, your company news, or about your product.

Pinterest used storytelling as a method for its Right the Ratio campaign. It demonstrated the ways in which gender gaps can be shut in creative spaces.

8. Or Share a How-to

The Promoted Video study also found that instructional videos or how-to videos are greatly accepted by users.

Lowe’s campaign that showed the process to build a laundry room received double completion rates.


9. Ads on Pinterest for Special Events

Pinners are keen on planning holidays or life events. It is seen that ads on Pinterest that feature life moments or holidays witness a 22% increase in online sales.

For example, IKEA’s back-to-school season dorm-room décor campaign hiked CTR by 73%.

10. Sketch a Plan for Pinterest Ad Continuity

When a Pinner opens your ad on Pinterest, he looks for more information. For better results, provide extra information and keep the same image for the next pages to maintain continuity.

ThirdLove, an undergarment retailer was successful in increasing its traffic by 26% through one tap ad campaign. 


11.Use Rich Pins

App, recipe, product, and article are the four types of Rich Pins that can be used to deliver contextual information for your ads on Pinterest. Pinterest ads are likely to see 28% higher sales with this strategy. upped its conversions and transactions by 51% and 106% respectively by using Rich Pins.


Following the above-mentioned details and strategies about the ads on Pinterest will help you reach your objective and create a great impact.