Snapchat Adds New 3D Body Scan Lenses for Halloween

Snapchat Adds New 3D Body Scan Lenses for Halloween

Snapchat has released a new range of 3D body scan lenses that builds on its technology of body tracking and that is able to adjust and move based on how users move on the screen.

Snap body scan

As you can see above, the new lenses is responding to user’s body movement on the screen with digital costumes of characters that are in line with your actions. Snapchat stated that this is the first of a kind AR tool with lenses that works on both rear-facing and the front camera alignments.

Snap scan 1

The new Lenses track 18 joints on the humans and implement 3D models that follow the moves of people or a person in the camera’s frame.

This will remind you of the full body tracking that EDM artist Skrillex utilized in his mother tour several years back that makes him able to display giant 3D characters in the screen at the back of the stage.


Currently, Snapchatters can basically use the same in the privacy of their own mobile phones and Snapchat is utilizing the option to give a set of digital Halloween costumes to provide people an opportunity to join in the event, even if they can not go to a current public gathering. 

The new update is being used in advertisements as well, with Tim Horton, the Canadian icon has launched a sponsored body tracking lens that makes users able to turn themselves into a box of Timbits. 

It looks a bit shaky, yet you got the idea, and the new option would open up a set of new and fun brand opportunities and tie-ins. Also, even try-on new AR tools to get better ideas of what you may look like in another element of clothing or something similar.


Also, with eCommerce seeing a fast increasing speed in 2020, that may be a big deal. Currently, Snapchat is just at the beginning of what it might be able to do with the new features, yet you can expect to have more evolutions and updates coming soon.

The new 3D body scan Lenses are accessible in Snapchat from now.